Smithfield History Resources

The Historical Society of Smithfield maintains an archival collection of varied materials relating to Smithfield history which includes photographs, written documents, and limited genealogical information. Please feel free to e-mail us with any questions.  

The Greenville Public Library and the East Smithfield Public Library both contain reference material relating to local history. 


“History of the Town of Smithfield From Its Organization, In 1730-1, To Its Division, In 1871” by Thomas Steere, 1881

“History of the Town of Smithfield From Its Organization, In 1730-1, To Its Division, In 1871”

by Thomas Steere, 1881 

This was the first written history of the town and contains the names of many early town officials, as well as excerpts of old town records, and extensive information about Smithfield’s early manufacturing villages. 

This book is out of print, however copies can be found at local libraries. 

“Remembering Smithfield, Sketches of Apple Valley” by Jim Ignasher

“Remembering Smithfield, Sketches of Apple Valley”

by Jim Ignasher 

Published by The History Press, 2009. 

This book covers topics not discussed in Thomas Steere’s book such as the pre-colonial Native Americans who were the first inhabitants of the area, the lost colonial settlements of Hanton City and Fountain Spring, The poor farm scandal, railroad and aviation history, the establishment of the police and fire departments, Smithfield’s apple industry, as well as other information. 

This book can be found at local bookstores or can be ordered through The History Press website

“Images of America – Smithfield” by Ken Brown, Jim Ignasher, and Bill Pilkington

“Images of America – Smithfield”

by Ken Brown, Jim Ignasher, and Bill Pilkington 

Published through Arcadia Press in 2008. 

This book contains vintage photographs relating to the town.  

This book is also available through local bookstores or through the Arcadia Publishing website


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