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Smithfield, R. I., Civil War Military Company – 1861
March 25, 2024
Filed Under: Historic Documents Tagged With: Caleb H. Freeman Smithfield R. I., Captain Henry Tate Smithfield R. I., Jeremiah L. Smith Smithfield R. I., New England Civil War Military Companies, R. I., Rhode Island Civil War Military Companies, Smithfield R. I. Military Company, William A. Bradley Smithfield
Newport, R. I. Life Saving Station
November 11, 2022
Click on articles to enlarge.
Filed Under: Photos Tagged With: Captain John Waters, Newport, R. I., Rhode Island Life Saving Station, Schooner Pathfinder Wrecked, U. S. Coast Guard History, U. S. Life Saving Service
Waity Appleby, Smithfield, R. I.
June 1, 2021
Waity S. Appleby Shaw, born May 18, 1814, died, March 20, 1853. Buried at North Burial Ground in Providence, R. I.
Letter is dated June 26, 1836.
Filed Under: Historic Documents Tagged With: Julia Ballou Smithfield, R. I.
February 22, 2021
Filed Under: Photos Tagged With: Benny's Store Greenville, Benny's Store Rhode Island, Benny's Store Smithfield R.I., R. I., Smithfield Rhode Island
Josie T. Keefe – Stillwater, R. I.
November 18, 2020
The following are some pages from a record/journal of expenses kept by Josie T. Keefe of Stillwater, R. I., beginning in January of 1917. It demonstrates the cost of everyday items of that era. It was donated by Edward A. Passarelli, Jr.
Click on images to enlarge.
Filed Under: Historic Documents Tagged With: Josie T. Keefe Smithfield, Josie T. Keefe Stillwater R. I., R. I.
Squantum Club, East Providence, R. I.
May 13, 2020
Filed Under: Photos Tagged With: East Providence, R. I., Squantum Club
Smithfield Ads From 1970 to 1972
February 7, 2020
Click on images to enlarge.
Click on images to enlarge.
Click on images to enlarge.
Filed Under: Uncategorized Tagged With: A & W Root Beer, Al's liquor Store Smithfield R. I., Alfred Melucci Piano Tuning Smithfield R. I., Apple Valley Beauty Salon, Apple Valley Builders, Apple Valley Cinema, Aqua Sports center Smithfield R. I., Arthur Robinson Painting Smithfield R.I., Athens Pizza Greenville R. I., Bill Burr's Funorama, Bill's Greenville Tree Service, Brodeurs Market Greenville R. I., Brown's Farm Smithfield R.I., Bumble Bee Flower And Gift Shop Smithfield R. I., C & W Maynard Realty Greenville R. I., Chasse Nurseries, Chestwer's Service Station Smithfield R.I., Club 44 Smithfield R. I., cognacs cainine castle smithfield ri, Colony Dairy Bar Greenville R. I., Countryside Florist and Nursery Smithfield R. I., Coutu Lumber Greenville R. I., Creative Knit Shop Smithfield R. I., Dave's Garage Smithfield R.I., Eddie's Antiques Smithfield R. I., Edward L. Lapadre Smithfield R.I., El Rancho Restaurant Greenville R. I., El Rancho Restaurant Smithfield R. I., Elks Lodge Smithfield R. I., Ernest R. Slader Esmond R. I., Florence's Fabrics Inc Greenville R.I., Four - Cs Pizzeria Esmond R. I., Francisco's Hilltop Stand Smithfield R. I., Greenville, Greenville garage Greenville R.I., Greenville Garage Smithfield R. I., Greenville Grange, Greenville Pharmacy Greenville R. I., Hearthside Bowling Lanes Greenville R.I., Hearthside Bowling Lanes Smithfield R. I., Hebert Candy Smithfield R.I., Homestead Farms Smithfield R. I., It's beauty Time Greenville R. I., It's beauty Time Salon Greenville R. I., James L. Tucker Funeral Home Smithfield, James L. tucker Funeral Home Smithfield R. I., John's Getty Service Greenville, John's Getty Service Greenville R. I., John's Getty Service Smithfield R. I., Joly's Lawn Ornaments Smithfield R.I., Lee's General Store, Lou's Greenville Hardware, Louie's Tavern Smithfield R. I., Luigi's Pizza Smithfield R.I., Mr. C's Smithfield R. I., Murph's Lounge Esmond R. I., Murph's Lounge Smithfield R. I., Pearle's Fruit and delicatessen Smithfield R. I., Pimenta Realty Smithfield R. I., Plain and Fancy Hair Styles Greenville R. I., Pleasant View IGA Smithfield R.I., R. I., Realy Clean Greenville R. I., Reel-Y Kleen Greenville R.I., Remnant Shop Smithfield R. I., Richard's Men's Salon Smithfield R. I., Rocco's Greenville R. I., Rocco's Smithfield R. I., Smithfield Elks Lodge, Smithfield Industrial Development Commission, Smithfield Plywood and Lumber, Smithfield R. I. Businesses, Steere's Restaurant Smithfield Rhode Island, The Big Apple Smithfield R. I., The Chatter Box Smithfield R. I., The Creative Knit Shop Smithfield R. I., The Esmond Market Smithfield R. I., The Family Store Smithfield R. I., The Flip Side Greenville R. I., The Orchid Room Smithfield R. I., The Remnant Shop Greenville R. I., The remnant Shop Smithfield R. I., The Rock Shop Greenville R. I., The Stitching Post Smithfield R. I., W. C. Field Smithfield R. I.
Smithfield, R. I. Business Ads – 1960s
December 11, 2018
Smithfield, R.I. Business Ads – 1960s
Click on images to enlarge.
Filed Under: Historic Documents Tagged With: Almacs Smithfield R. I., Almacs Super Market, Almacs Super Market greenville R. I., Ballards Smithfield R.I., Beauty Time Salon Greenville R. I., Brown's Farm Smithfield R.I., Custer's last Stand Grerenville, Custer's Last Stand Hamburgers, Custer's Last Stand Smithfield R. I., Dave's Garage Smithfield R.I., Eddie's Antiques Smithfield R. I., Edythe's Hair Fashions Greenville R. I., Esmond Market, Esmond R.I., Francine's Bakery Greenville R.I., Francine's bakery Smithfield R.I., Franciscos Hill Top Stand, Greenville garage Greenville R.I., Harold Stewart Apples Smithfield R.I., It's beauty Time Salon Greenville R. I., J & R Investigative Service greenville R.I., Lee's General Store Greenville R.I., Lou's Restaurant Greenville R. I., Mac's Liquors Smithfield R.I., Mac's Package Store Smithfield R.I., Morrissette's Service Station Smithfield R.I., Phil's Barber Shop Greenville RI, Pleasant View Nursery Spragueville R.I., R. I., Rustic Well Smithfield R.I., Smithfield Sportsman's Club R.I., Sparling Mills greenville R. I., Sparling Mills Smithfield R. I., The Color Center Smithfield RI, William J. Nelson Electrical Contractor Greenville R.I.