Smithfield Union Bank Loan Note – 1812

Click on image to enlarge.

Smithfield Union Bank

Smithfield Union Bank Robbery – 1838

     The Smithfield Union Bank was established in February of 1805, in the village of Slatersville, which prior to 1871 was part of the town of Smithfield. 

     It was the first bank to be established in Smithfield, and, as these articles from the Woonsocket Weekly Patriot indicate, may have been the first bank in Smithfield to be robbed.     

Smithfield Union Bank

Woonsocket Weekly Patriot
November 2, 1838, pg. 2

Woonsocket Weekly Patriot
November 2, 1838, pg. 2

Woonsocket Weekly Patriot
November 16, 1838, Pg. 3

Herald of the Times
Newport, R. I.
November 15, 1838

Smithfield Union Bank Stock Transfer – 1846

Smithfield Union Bank Stock Transfer – 1846

     The Smithfield Union Bank was in Slatersville, R.I.

Click on Images to enlarge.


Obverse side of stock transfer document.

Smithfield Union Bank

Smithfield Union Bank Stock Transfer – 1844

Smithfield Union Bank Stock Transfer – 1844

The Smithfield Union Bank was located in Slatersville, R.I.

Click on images to enlarge.


Transfer of stock for the former Smithfield, R.I. Union Bank.

Obverse side of stock transfer document.

Smithfield Union Bank





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