Georgiaville Pond Drowning – 1908

The News-Democrat (Prov.)
August 14, 1908

Olneyville Times
August 30, 1912

The Disappearance of Elmer Kettelle – 1916

Click on image to enlarge.

Olneyville Times
December 22, 1916

Murder – Suicide, Georgiaville, R. I. – 1884

Click on images to enlarge. 

The Daily Kennebec Journal
January 12. 1884

Morning Journal & Courier
(New Haven, Ct.)
January 12, 1884

Spragueville Mill Fire – 1895

Article from the Olneyville Times, August 2, 1895.


Dr. John Fletcher, Smithfield, R. I. – 1823

Click on image to enlarge.

The Massachusetts Spy
April 21, 1823

Omaha Beach WWII Memorials of Smithfield, R. I., Residents

     In August of 2024, Smithfield resident and Historical Preservation Commission member Benjamin Caisse visited the World War II American Cemetery in Coleville-Sur-Mer, France, (Omaha Beach).  Two former Smithfield residents, Peter Celentano, and Hugh Finlay, both killed in action during the war, are memorialized there. 

Click on images to enlarge.

Memorial for the Mission at Coleville-Sur-Mer Cemetery.
Photos by Benjamin Caisse

PFC. Hugh Finlay


L – R: Herbert Paquette, Gene Belanger, Jerry Paquette, Hugh Finlay.

Plot 2 at Coleville-Sur-Mer Cemetery in France where PFC, Hugh Finlay of Smithfield is buried. The plot was closed due to grass restoration at the time this photo was taken. Photo by Benjamin Caisse.

PFC Peter Celentano, Ser #31465741

PFC Hugh Finlay, Ser# 31292293

Friends District Sabbath School – 1868

Click on images to enlarge.

Pawtucket Gazette & Chronicle
January 3, 1868

Smithfield, R. I., Town Officers – 1853

Click on image to enlarge.

Pawtucket Gazette & Chronicle
June 10, 1853

Jencks Smith, Jr., Smithfield, R. I., Town Sergeant

November 5, 1910



James Demarsh Drowning – 1901

Click on article to enlarge. 

November 5, 1901

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