New England Pacific Bank

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     According to the website, the New England Pacific Bank was founded in Smithfield in October of 1818.  It moved to Pawtucket in 1832; chartered as the Pacific National Bank on June 27, 1865,; and was absorbed by Industrial Trust on February 15, 1900. 

Pawtucket Chronicle and Manufacturers and Artizans Advocate
June 3, 1826

Pawtucket Chronicle and Manufacturers and Artizans Advocate
June 3, 1826

Pawtucket Gazette & Chronicle
June 7, 1839

Pawtucket Gazette And Chronicle
June 19, 1846

Pawtucket Gazette and Chronicle
January 9, 1857

Pawtucket Gazette & Chronicle
June 15, 1860

Pawtucket Gazette & Chronicle
June 9, 1865

Pawtucket Gazette & Chronicle
May 18, 1866




Smithfield Exchange Bank Interior

Smithfield Exchange Bank Interior

Greenville, Rhode Island

Photos courtesy of the Smithfield Historic Preservation Society.  The date of the photos is unknown.

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